Sichuan Fine Arts Institute Brochure for International Master Degree Candidate in 2023
发布时间:2023年04月28日 14:46   作者:   来源:    浏览:

Sichuan Fine Arts Institute is a high-level art college deployed by the state in the western region, integrating art talent training, art creation and research, and social services. Founded in 1940, the university was approved as one of the first master's degree-granting institutions in China in 1981. The school has a long history and is highly praised for its talents and works. The school is committed to cultivating senior professionals who master the solid basic theory and systematic professional knowledge of the discipline, have the spirit of innovation, innovation ability and the ability to engage in art research, art creation (design), art teaching and art management.

I. Type of enrollment and system of schooling

In 2023, our university will enroll full-time master's degree candidates, including academic master's degree candidates and professional master's degree candidates. The study duration is three years.

II. Applicant Qualification

1. The Applicant must be a non-Chinese citizen in good physical health;

2. Degree and Age Requirement for the Applicant:

(1) The applicant for (full-time) master's degree must possess bachelor's degree;

(2) The applicant for (full-time) master's degree must be under 55. (The applicant for mayor's scholarship for overseas student in Chongqing must be under 35)

3. Based on relevant regulations: if a Chinese citizen immigrated abroad, then it shall possess a foreign passport for 4 years or more and provide the record of actually living more than 2 years abroad in the latest 4 years (as of April 30 of the enrollment year) (living abroad actually for full 9 months in one year can be counted as one year; those indicated in visa records about entry and exit shall prevail).

III. Application Materials(See attachment for relevant forms to download)

(I) The applicant is not studying in China upon application:

1. Scanned copy of the applicant's passport (the validity shall be more than 6 months); (if there is a guarantor, please enclose the copy of the guarantor's certificate of identity)

2. Recent 3.5cm×4.9cm hatless color photo (1) of the applicant;

3. Student of Chinese descent (parents are of Chinese nationality originally) must submit: foreign birth certificate and certificate of cancellation of Chinese nationality;

4. Former Chinese citizen who immigrated abroad shall submit: Certificate of record of actually living or studying abroad for more than 2 years in the latest 4 years, and certificate of cancellation of Chinese nationality;

5. Notarized certificate of the highest degree. If the applicant is still a student, the applicant shall separately submit the degree certificate issued by his/her school, and must submit the diploma after being admitted for qualification. Text not in Chinese or English shall be enclosed with the Chinese or English translation;

6. Academic Record. Text not in Chinese or English shall be enclosed with the Chinese or English translation;

7. Study or Research Plan in China. The applicant must submit the study or research plan in China written in Chinese or English.

8. Resume

9. Letter of Recommendation Applicant for master’s degree must submit the letter of recommendation of two professors or associator professors written in Chinese or English;

10. The applicant must provide the portfolio based on the requirement for the major in the application; applicant for professional degree must provide the portfolio relevant to the major in the application; as for each piece of work, introduction shall be provided (including name of work, size of work, time of creation, description of creation, etc.); applicant for academic degree (theoretical studies) must provide the published (or unpublished but representative) academic paper contents and abstract in relation to the major in the application; other original work (not necessary if it is not availaible)

11. Copy of theForeigner’s Medical Examination Sheet(the original shall be kept by the applicant). The applicant shall strictly go through examination according to the items required in theForeigner’s Medical Examination Sheet.Foreigner’s Medical Examination Sheet with missing items or without the applicant’s photo or with photo but without seal on the perforation or without signature or seal of the physician and hospital shall be invalid. The validity of examination result shall be 6 months. The applicant shall determine the time for medical examination based on the validity.

12. Copy of valid certificate of HSK (Chinese language test) level 5 or above. If admitted, the student must submit the original upon enrollment (those who fail the Chinese language requirement for professional study shall study Chinese language for one year in the Institute);

13.Admission Application Form for Overseas Student of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute;

14.Certificate of No Criminal Record

15. Bank deposit certificate (no less than 30,000 RMB).

16. List of awards.

(II) The applicant is studying in China upon application:

Apart from materials 1-16, the applicant shall also submit:

17. Letter of transfer consent from the overseas student office of his/her school (with official seal)

18. Valid visa or residence permit in China


1. Whether admitted or not, the aforesaid application materials will not be returned.

2. The Institute may ask the applicant to provide supplementary material or interview the applicant through telephone/video as the case may be.

3. Our school do not accept major transfer students.

IV. Time for Application

From the date of publication to May 31, 2023

V. Application Method

Apply online: please send all application materials to guojichu@scfai.edu.cn during the time for application. The file should be named as “Nationality+Name+Major”.

VI.. Major for Enrollment

Please refer to the attachment for specific majors

VII. Admission Method

Professional supervisors shall form a professional review team to comprehensively check the materials from the applicant. The team mainly checks the professional level, HSK result, undergraduate grade, etc. of the applicant, assesses comprehensively according to the grades, and admits the most eligible candidates.

VIII. Supervisor Appointment Method

1.Based on the principle of two-way selection, Overseas master's degree candidate can make two-way selection according to the enrollment guide;

2.Supervisors shall be appointed by each master's degree candidate training unit

IX. Admission

1. Those who pass the review will receive thePre-admission Notice, and those who are not admitted will not be notified separately.

3. Formal admission notice and application form for visa in China (Table JW202) will be issued in late July.

X. Expenses

1. Tuition: RMB 25,000/school year/student

Tuition for Chinese language lessons: RMB 7,000/school year/student

2. Insurance premium: RMB 800/school year/student

3. Miscellaneous fees and books fee, etc. shall be separately paid upon registration.

4. Accommodation fee shall be paid according to different standards: RMB 900/month, RMB 1,000/month. Student shall pay off the accommodation fee for one school year upon registration.

XI. Registration

1. Enrollment Time: September 2023. The specific date shall be subject to theAdmission Notice.

2. The admitted shall carry ordinary passport,Admission Notice, Application Form for Visa of Overseas Student in China(Table JW202) to the Chinese embassy (consulate) to foreign countries to apply for student (X1) visa, and hold the original of the aforesaid materials and advance tuition payment voucher. Student shall register in Sichuan Fine Arts Institute before the deadline specified on the admission notice.

3. Upon registration, student shall provide the original of the formal bachelor’s or master's graduation certificate, diploma and HSK certificate

XII. Student status management:refer to theRules for Implementation of Status Management Regulation for Graduate Student in Sichuan Fine Arts Institute

XIII. Admission Contact Information

Tel.: +86-23-65920818 (consultation time: 9:00-16:00 Monday to Friday, except statutory holidays and winter holiday)

Email: guojichu@scfai.edu.cn

Web: www.innovation-sm.com

Add: International Exchange and Cooperation Office of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, College Town of High-tech Zone, Chongqing, China

Zip Code: 401331





附件【Physical Examination Record for Foreigner.doc】已下载
